Strategic guidance for ambitious humans.

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Dan Turner

Hi, I’m Dan.

I’ve worked with many of the world’s most renowned and extraordinary humans for 15+ years. I’m on a mission to equip humans in pursuit of ambitious goals in work and life with the tools and skills they need to optimize their mind and body.  For over a decade I have had the honor to work with thousands of extraordinary humans. These individuals and teams include world recognized experts and leaders in business, sport, healthcare and the arts. I’ve coached over 310 world champion athletes and Olympians, NYCs top neurosurgeons, and 1000+ other professionals including surgeons and doctors, business professionals, founders, CEOs and other executives, Hollywood actors, film producers, musicians, artists, cybersecurity "hackers" and gamers, navy seals, lawyers, professional gamers, writers, therapists, coaches, scientists and a world class chess player. While I work with humans from all different backgrounds and phases of life and career, my specialty is working with humans in who are struggling with fatigue or in high pressure, high risk, and extremely demanding environments.

I have a PhD in Human Physiology and specialties in health, behavior change, performance optimization, nutrition, biotechnology, psychology and holistic healing. In 2022 I began developing a Personal Advisor for Human Performance, called Leeloo. Built using 6 decades of wisdom and experience, this is an AI technology that helps individuals, teams and organizations harness the power of awareness to improve performance, communication and quality of life, even for people in the most demanding work environments. 

For several years I worked alongside a Russian medical doctor who I can only describe as a genius, honing my skills in natural techniques to improve health. Amongst many projects in healthcare, I founded an award winning program that leverages science, technology and coaching to serve many of America's next generation of medical doctors and neurosurgeons, supporting them to sustain high performance and good health.

My day to day involves leading the continual development of technology, travelling the world coaching and speaking with humans in search of higher performance, and forever learning how to take better care of myself, my loved ones and this planet.

| Photo: World Champ Kate Courtney and I creating a physiological blueprint for her upcoming season. Whether you’re an athlete or CEO, we can always leverage physiology to achieve the extraordinary.

Teams I’ve Worked With

What People Are Saying


Ever wish you had a crystal ball to look into your sports performances? Meet Dr. Dan Turner. In just one session, he was able to see and address a health issue that had been negatively affecting my nervous and endocrine systems and ultimately my sports performance and mental health for years. His ability to link together the physical and biological aspects of sports performance is next level, but what is truly extraordinary is his ability to connect these to the mental game. Though his mind-body approach, my own drive, performance and optimism has returned for the sport I love and my overall wellbeing. 

— Eric Bostrom, Professional Motorcycle Racer, Founder & CEO

I learned a lot of valuable information about both myself and performance through working with Dan Turner. It was helpful to work with someone with such an acute awareness of the body and the way in which it functions to understand how to best utilize the physical tools I already have to optimize my  performance. We also dove into mindset work, which enhanced the way in which I think and feel about myself and my relationship with my sport. Dan is someone that I deeply respect as a performance coach, and whom I have benefitted from working with. 

Sasha DiGiulian, World Champion Climber, Entrepreneur, Writer & Philanthropist 

Dr. Turner worked with our department's attending physicians and trainees to assess and coach them. Applying principles that he has honed in the world of sports he was able to connect with and guide our doctors in ways none of us had ever considered and that made enormous differences in self-understanding, motivation, morale, productivity and wellness. Dr. Turner is genuine and his methods work, which is why we continue to work and partner with him.

Dr Miguel Escalon, MD, Associate Professor


“It’s simple in theory, we adapt to our environment or we change it. The hard part is knowing how and when to do either.” - Dan Turner

“For as long as I can remember I’ve been passionate to meet people where they’re at and elevate them to a better place in life.”

My clients come from all different backgrounds and industries. Yet, they all seem to share a similar passion. They acknowledge that life is precious, time is to be used wisely, and the decisions we make everyday, no matter how little or large, matter. I’ve thrived under many extreme circumstances in my life and career. Whether it’s through my own personal experiences and adversities or witnessing those of others, for as long as I can remember I’ve been passionate to meet people where they’re at and elevate them to a better place in life. In my coaching I like to work with the often unspoken aspects of performance - the light and dark side of what makes us extraordinary. I help people leverage their unique abilities, experiences and physiological state, to perform better for longer. It is over the past decade with 1000s of clients and years of eclectic work that I have honed my coaching skills, and that is why my clients in business, sport, healthcare and the arts all tell me that the results are transformational.

- Dan Turner


“My work with Dan Tuner has directly correlated to major enhancements as an athlete and as a person. With his help I have been able to surpass my highest expectations and have picked up an invaluable amount of information from him along the way.” 

— Ian Walsh, Pro World Champion Big Wave Surfer, Survivalist and Entrepreneur


“Dan has a rare and unique ability to see the entire big picture of a situation at lightning speed and extract the most important pieces to formulate a hypothesis and plan for how best to understand and address whatever challenge you’re facing.”

— Angel Collinson, Pro World Champion Big Snow and Survivalist



I believe that we all possess unique wisdom – we all experience similar circumstances differently. It’s important to take responsibility for the wisdom we possess and to find ways that we enjoy sharing it with others. Whether it’s speaking to a small group in an intimate setting or to hundreds at a mass event, I thrive when sharing my wisdom. I love to speak on a variety of topics including:

  • Human Behavior: What drives and influences our decisions. The mind, body, life and soul of extraordinary performance.

  • Physiology & Coaching: what lifestyle, environment, foods, plants and materials we can use to perform better.

  • Technology: How we can leverage innovations across industries to improve performance in business, sport and healthcare.

And much more.

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