Advising Individuals & Teams

Rooted in Science, Technology & Human-First Approach


Navigate Your Vision of Success

Many humans have untapped potential because they don’t fully understand how to leverage their mind and body to achieve their vision of success in lifestyle and career. Untapped potential means we are not performing to our fullest capabilities. In this state we tend to more often than not feel less fulfilled than what we can be. When we fail to fully make use of our abilities and talents we tend to underperform and this initially appears in the form of pain, anxiety, stress, issues with health, exhaustion, lack of focus, burnout and unnecessary struggle. Sometimes these symptoms can be overwhelming and other times they can be very subtle. I coach world champion athletes and Olympians, surgeons and doctors, business professionals, founders, CEOs and other executives, Hollywood actors, film producers, musicians, artists, cybersecurity "hackers" and gamers, navy seals, professional gamers, writers, therapists, coaches, scientists and even a world class chess player. I work with individuals and teams from all different backgrounds and phases of life. In my experience, it is the most successful and extraordinary humans that invest time and energy learning how to access untapped potential and avoid underperformance. My coaching works holistically with the mind, body and spirit of the client, because we cannot adjust one without influencing the other. I consider coaching a journey towards a mutually agreed destination - a vision of success, whether that be money, status, achievement, recovery, peace, freedom from fear or fulfillment. It is my mission to work with you so that you can achieve your vision in the most healthy, sustainable and accelerated manner.

| Image: Bespoke mind-body analysis technique using electrome technology

Protect Your Success

Have you got a physiological and psychological protection system? Just as modern day cars possess safety and protection systems like alarms, motion sensors, airbags etc., high performing humans thrive when they have a plan and strategies that not only empowers them to perform better but it protects their optimal state from breaking down under fatigue and the various setbacks we may face on the journey towards our vision. Without this blueprint, we lose time, money, momentum and our ability to generate success suffers especially when life's challenges and assaults hit harder than we account for. So we must learn to cease opportunities, leverage our own abilities, discover new gifts and skills, communicate our ideas, put plan into action and flexibly grapple with extreme circumstances. Lifeproof is a scientifically-based performance protection system that enables humans to seamlessly navigate difficult circumstances, overcome past and current adversities, perform under pressure and deal with unexpected real life and career events. The most extraordinary humans have learned how to pace themselves to peak when it matters most and rest just enough to maintain momentum. If we truly desire extraordinary success that lasts a lifetime then we must tap into the power possessed within our mind and body while simultaneously protecting our career and quality of life. These are the principles of my coaching. If you think that you are ready, then hit a contact button below.


“There is no human resource more powerful than the power of fully trusting in our own ability. But to execute our vision successfully without deadly sacrifices and losses we must use our power wisely by finding a balance between what we dream of doing and the actual limits of our ability. With coaching, we develop a plan and strategy that elevates and protects performance so that you can spend less time worrying about when and how you might break and more time focusing on what matters most to you.”

- Dan Turner


Letter from a Resident Surgeon

I am a general surgery resident in a 1300 bed academic hospital. Like most of my colleagues, I have experienced the “growing pains” of becoming a surgeon capable of handling the demands that come with complex patient care. After a particularly rough rotation with significant penetrating trauma and loss of life, frequent call, and a ballooning patient census, I noticed a change in myself and my colleagues. We were clearly losing our ability to connect, empathize, and had given literally all we had to give to patients. We were just getting through the day rather than thriving and in residency each day you just “get through” is an opportunity to learn that you didn’t or couldn’t take advantage of.

When I met Dan, his positivity and open mindedness was a shock to the system and I nearly discounted his intelligence because I was unused to data being presented to me by someone with his disposition. It wasn’t until he began furiously scribbling math equations to explain my sleep deficit, that I realized his ability to apply science to issues related to burnout would make him invaluable. I am a scientist and skeptical by training. Dan respected my need for data and provided it when I asked for it. Dan makes several analogies to his professional athletes related to burnout and in athletes, performance is easily measured and therefore easier for me to grasp. I had never considered this comparison and his explanation has begun to help me reconstruct my coping mechanisms. Dan has worked with me on “recovery” after intense periods where clinical demands stretch my abilities as a physician. Similar to an athlete, as my recovery has become more efficient, I can push myself clinically sooner without symptoms of burnout. 

Dan has worked with me on a comprehensive “plan of attack.” We have discussed barriers to good nutrition in the hospital which resulted in a recipe for portable nutrition and an amazon list in my inbox. We discussed the physical demands and ergonomics of the operating room which resulted in recommendations (and the links for scheduling) for local Pilates instruction to help strengthen my stabilize my core as well as recommendations for how to plan for rest throughout my unpredictable call schedule. Each time I presented Dan with a barrier to improving burnout, he provided options. Each time I put up a barrier, he found a way around it to help me get out of my own way. Since there is not good data on viable treatments for burnout in physicians, Dan pulled options from fields outside of my knowledge base and adapted them for my situation. I would highly recommend him as a performance coach for any resident who feels that they have untapped potential that seems to be limited by bandwidth. In residency efficient recovery equals more opportunities.

Lauren Barron, MD

My Fees

My clients are typically looking to learn more about how much and for how long they can push their body and mind. These clients are often the best in their industry of expertise and they are eager to better understanding how to continue to push beyond familiar thresholds in their ability and career. They often wish to discover untapped potential or maintain the level of performance and momentum they have spent years in crafting. Holding and maintaining an extraordinary level of performance is as equally as difficult as reaching this extraordinary state. Other clients are typically dissatisfied with the level of support they have received from other professionals in the performance, health and wellbeing industry, having failed to see enough improvement in their performance or health, and are struggling with limiting health and wellbeing issues, underperformance, burnout, fear, doubt, etc. I like to think of these circumstances as: the local world that has been created around you (the human!) is not sustainable so we need to change you or the world, or both! In most cases the client knows that they have an limiting issue but fails to determine the root-cause of their problem. These circumstances often begin with a single or series of adverse events, after which the problem has become infinitely more complex even after changes in diet, lifestyle, relationships and career. It’s common to find that removing or resolving the adverse event that led to the human problem - whether it is physical, social, emotional, spiritual or cultural, is rarely enough to make long lasting improvement. Much deeper work is required and this is where my methods particularly thrive.

I tend to have clients from 3 months to 3 years. I have a few clients in my inner circle who I have coached for 5+ years. Individual coaching starts at $6000 which includes physiological analysis, a comprehensive nutritional, botanical, behavioral and lifestyle plan along with coaching on mind and spirit as needed. When available, I offer single coaching sessions for mental performance and these are priced based on the needs and desired end goal. Team and organizational coaching is personalized to company needs and results from my cultural analysis using bespoke human-environment technology. Team and organizational coaching starts at $50,000. If you are interested to learn more about my coaching then please don’t hesitate to contact me and I look forward to discussing how we can bring a vision of your individual or team success to life.