The two paths to greatness

The path travelled to achieving our vision of success (let’s call that greatness!) is unique to each individual. Let’s do a thought experiment… Imagine that achieving success is quite simply travelling from point A to B from where you are now to where you need to be. Then let’s also imagine that there are only two possible paths/roads/routes to get to where you want to be in life or career. Path 1 involves travelling with the mindset that we are continually exploring what might happen next. Path 2 involves travelling with a strong sense of escaping what has happened previously. Either path might sound more appealing depending on your circumstances. Now, what’s interesting is that at some point you chose path 1 or 2, but you did not necessarily realize it at that time. Rarely are we able to identify what path we are on until we realize that the path itself isn’t as fulfilling as we desire it to be. In path 1 for example, the constant feeling of curiosity eventually isn’t enough to fulfil us - a path without fear often becomes boring. But the same goes for path 2. A path full of frequent feelings of adversity or restlessness eventually becomes painful. And pain eventually leads to suffering unless it is exchanged for reward. So, in path 2 everything will be fine - escaping whatever has happened will be worth it - until we fail and stop being able to achieve more. And there we have it, no matter the path we are on (path 1 or 2) the absence of achievement eventually causes us to realize that we need to change path - i.e. we need to change how we go about achieving not just the ability to achieve per se.

Question: So, if it’s almost impossible to consciously recognize what path we are on until we crash and we both know that eventually we will (temporarily) lose our ability to achieve for whatever reason, what is something that will help us on our journey?

Answer: No matter how we choose to travel towards our vision of success I believe that human connection whether it be love or a sense that someone has your back is one of our most powerful resources to use especially when our vehicle (mind, body and spirit) needs some adjustment or redirection. When we travel towards greatness it’s important to consider who you are taking with you. Here’s a few steps and reflections on how to identify what path you might be on and a thought of consideration when it comes to the relationship between love and performance.

The Path of Exploring

You’re in search of something different to the present moment, there is a sense of infinite possibilities about what might happen next and each of them seems as exciting as the other. Each day feels meaningful and worthy of savouring. There’s a sense of feeling in control, proactive and predictability yet any uncertainty is more exciting than scary. It’s exhilarating to be you and you wish others could feel the same curiosity that you possess. You might feel deeply fulfilled with what is or might be. Challenges feel fun, hopes are high and work is largely in service of others.

The Path of Escaping

You’re trying to leave something behind, remove, avoid or forget it. Like a bad taste in your mouth you hunt for a new flavor, yet with each new flavor the old taste still lingers. There’s a strong sense that you are running out of time, feeling trapped, equally or more dissatisfied as satisfied on most days. You may tend to overreact, regrettably yet uncontrollably. There is a hunger that cannot be satisfied, like there is a fear that can rarely be put to ease. It’s unsettling to be you but it’s also exhilarating to be you - but you would not wish how you feel on anyone else. Usually you are more in service of yourself than others.

Whatever path you are on, is your pace sustainable?

On both paths and any of these states described be aware of your pace - the effort you exert versus the rest you offer yourself. Can you maintain this level of effort for a day, a week, a month, a quarter, a year? Do you need to slow down, stay steady, or speed up? Do you need to work more or less? What would you recommend to someone else in the same state as you?

Who are you taking with you?

No matter your path. No matter your pace. Find someone to love or care for. It need not be reciprocal. Pick a day, pick a moment and show them love in any way you want to! In a few minutes or few days - do it in your own way. Love will always bounce back at you when you need it the most. It may not be from the person you expect, but in order to receive love we must love. You might not need that boost of love now but you will one day on your pursuit of greatness.

And a final note on love and performance…

Pain, is love knocking at the front door waiting for you to let her/him in. If you are in pain, no matter how much you achieve, do not refuse love, ever.

I hope this sentiment is as thought provoking, challenging and inspiring for you as it has been for me and my clients.


Awakening Your Instincts


Personal conflict is a lesson we have been taught to avoid